Thursday, May 22, 2008

A day in the Life of the Samuelson's

Well, we are generally not an exciting bunch. But, if I could ever get my folks on here this brief synopsis of our day would help them feel more connected.

Isaac and I went to the Zoo (Thanks to that special someone who gave us the season's pass).Isaac gets in the petting zoo, all on his own and doesn't even look back. He climbs up to reclaim the rock along with the goats. But, if you take your eyes off of him for a second, you may catch him trying to feed the goats a little black pebble!!

Ian and I are gearing up for Dave (my-ex) to take Isaac off our hands a bit for the summer. We get to missing him after a day or so of him being gone.

We went to the 10 pm showing of Iron Man, with hopes Isaac would be asleep. But since he wasn't we knew he would enjoy a "show" (as he would call it). There were some intense scenes. At one point Isaac said, "I want to go home." We ignored him and fed him more popcorn. A few minutes later he said, " I want to go home RIGHT NOW!" Now all Isaac talks about are those robots!

We are speaking in church on Sunday. When I told Ian, he cleverly exclaimed, "Guess we can't fight this week, or we won't have the spirit!" Don't worry family (especially Pam) Ian is very easy going, most the time he won't budge no matter my efforts! He's a great balance for me, and I for him. We get to choose 1 Article of Faith to speak on. If anyone out there in cyberspace has a particular insight on either #3 or #6 let us know. I've decided to just read Elder Packers Conference talk about the reorganization of the church!

I was asked to play my violin in church in a few weeks. Aww..brings me back to the last time I did. Ian's farewell June 10, 2002. Remember Richard opening his talk with something like, "Whoever thought Ian would go on his mission on a cold day in June was right!"


Andrea said...

Sarah!!! I am so glad you found me. We need to talk. I am so glad you have a blog. I miss you!
Call 520-426-0041

Jill said...

I love to hear about your life! You guys are great!